- Thursday, 20th June, 2019 7:30 am (Los Angeles)
- Thursday, 20th June, 2019 10:30 am (New York)
- Thursday, 20th June, 2019 3:30 pm (London, Dublin)
- Thursday, 20th June, 2019 4:30 pm (Paris, Berlin)
30% of unique data within an enterprise is stored on a single machine - typically a laptop or workstation. These machines are often partially or totally unprotected.
The number of laptops stolen, damaged, lost or attacked means that a company is under a very real threat of losing business following irrevocable data loss.
Help is at hand with Atempo's Lina (Live Navigator) solution to seamlessy protect, rapidly restore for less than the price of a coffee per month per protected machine.
Join us on this webinar and learn how we can help save you time, money and - most importantly- your data!
PS - Lina 5.0 is now available!